Mumbai Metro

Mumbai Metro is a public transit in Mumbai, India operated by Reliance infrastructure and RATP Dev Transdev Asia. The following are few of their social media posts

Mumbai Metro - 2017

The post was designed to welcome 2017 while integrating the brand.

Mumbai Metro - Wifi

When Mumbai Metro had made their stations Wi-Fi accessible.
(The item in grey is the transit token)

Mumbai Metro 2
Women's Day

Everyday Mumbai Metro empowers thousands of women who travel. The post aims to celebrate the womanhood and their lives.

Mumbai Metro 5
Mother's Day

This post was a wishing post as a part of the activity pitch which gave discounts to mothers traveling with their children on Mother’s Day.

Mumbai Metro
Majhi Metro

Mumbai Metro hosts multiple competitions to encourage talents in the city and the post aimed at motivating people to vote to decide the winners.

Mumbai Metro 4
Make a friend day

The transit wanted to encourage community building by taking advantage of its travelers. The post reinforced it.

Mumbai Metro - innovation

Mumbai Metro reduced a two-hour long journey to 20 minutes. Innovation indeed.

Mumbai Metro - health
Health Day

Traveling by road can lead to sunstroke, dehydration, stress due to traffic, etc., which can lead to medication.